Assalamualaikum and hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! 🥰

Hope everyone is doing fine and stay safe during this Covid-19 pandemic. Aameen. In this first session of Usrah 1 section 209 with sister Karmila, there was a session of taaruf to know each other. Sister Karmila had asked us a simple introduction about ourselves. Honestly, I had enjoyed the session, even though we are on online classes but I can feel how close we are even this is our first meet through Google Meet session. 

On Monday, 25 Oct 2021 I was able to get acquainted with the clever women in Usrah this time and we learned that the Qur'an as a guide has provided all the guidance and equipped human to live our life. The purpose is for people to avoid going astray. 

Sister Karmila have showed the video for us and we should to know what the video about. In my opinion, the video show me the main function of the Qur'an as a hudan (guide) means that the Qur'an can guide people to the straight path and prevent them from going astray. So, one of the keys to reaching the guidance of the Qur'an is by fasting. Fasting is a starting point to train the human soul, control emotions, anger and control the lust of animals. Man, in order to attain Allah swt (wushul ilallah), requires giving up all material attributes in order to rush to Him. That is, the orientation of our life is only for Allah swt alone. Secondly, the world, our wealth, our throne, our achievements and our reputation we puts in our hands, not our heart. Our heart is always attached to Allah swt. This is what God describes in Q.S. Al-An'am [6] : 52, "Do not drive away those who call on their Lord in the morning and evening, because they hope for His pleasure". 

To conclude, ridha Allah swt is everything for us as a human. May the fast that we live together always be pleased and blessed by Him. Ameen. God forbid.


To be continued... 👋
